Alexander Spotswood
1676 - 1740
Unlike most Colonial Governors, Alexander Spotswood chose to actually settle in the colony he had administered and live there long after his gubernatorial responsibilities had ended. Thus he became a true Virginian and contributed greatly to the settlement, development and prosperity of the Old Dominion. His numerous descendants have served the state well. A daughter was the wife of Patrick Henry. A grandson became an American General during the Revolution. Also to be found among his descendants are such 19th century notables as General Robert. E. Lee and Helen Keller.
In 1716 Governor Alexander Spotswood of Virginia assembled a group of companions and set out from the settlement of Germanna with the purpose of exploring and mapping the western part of the colony. Their travels were lengthy, interesting and by all accounts merry. Having packed along not only the necessities of an exploratory party but also enough of civilization to enjoy themselves as gentlemen they rode across field and plain, traversed forests, crossed rivers and climbed mountains, happily naming many geographic features as they went and toasting one another's health and success as often as possible.
When the party of Cavaliers finally returned from their explorations and adventures, Governor Spotswood had mementos crafted, said to have been stick pins, every one headed by a golden horseshoe. These were distributed as generous gifts to each of those who had journeyed together. Having thus honoured and commemorated their grand adventure, from that time forward Governor Spotswood and his companions have ever been known as "The Knights of the Golden Horseshoe".
We Make History is reviving this grand and ancient tradition in conjunction with our own adventures across the historic and geographic breadth of Virginia.
The entry rank in We Make History's "Knights of the Golden Horseshoe" shall be that of "Page".
Lord Scott shall award the title of "Page" to all who complete the following.
A) Participate in a We Make History expedition to Virginia.
B) Participate as a We Make History reenactor in a reenactment event in Virginia.
C) Attend a We Make History Ball in Virginia.
D) Visit and explore any four of the five destinations of Virginia's Historic Triangle: Historic Jamestown, Jamestown Settlement, Yorktown Battlefield, Yorktown Victory Center and Colonial Williamsburg.
E) Visit a site associated with the life of George Washington.
(Our recommendations include Washington's Birthplace, Ferry Farm, Washington's Headquarters in Winchester, Pohick Church, Christ Church Alexandria, Mount Vernon and Yorktown Battlefield.)
F) Visit, pray and contemplate in a Virginia Church whose structure dates to the Colonial era.
(A Colonial era Church shall be defined as an individual Church whose congregational beginnings and actual structure date prior to July 4th, 1776. A few of our numerous recommendations would be St. Luke’s Church (Isle of Wight County), St. Paul’s Church (Norfolk), Jamestown Church (Jamestown), Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg), Grace Church (Yorktown), St. John’s Church (Richmond), Abingdon Church (Gloucester County), Christ Church (Lancaster County), Aquia Church (Stafford County), Pohick Church (Fairfax County) and Christ Church (Alexandria).
G) Submit a list of requirements fulfilled (places visited and activities participated in) along with a written account of your experiences including interesting experiences, facts learned and inspiration gained.
Those judged to have successfully completed A-G will be presented with an award document conferring the rank of "Page" and shall be permitted the Squirrel as an heraldic device.
Yes, requirements met in A-F may be applied forward toward the requirements of H-M as well as the requirements of 1-25.
The second rank in We Make History's "Knights of the Golden Horseshoe" shall be that of "Squire".
Lord Scott shall award the title of "Squire" to all who complete the following.
H) Participate in two We Make History expeditions to Virginia.
I) Participate as a We Make History reenactor in two reenactment events in Virginia.
J) Attend two We Make History Balls in Virginia.
K) Visit and explore four of the five destinations of Virginia's Historic Triangle: Historic Jamestown, Jamestown Settlement, Yorktown Battlefield, Yorktown Victory Center and Colonial Williamsburg.
L) Visit two sites associated with the life of George Washington.
(Our recommendations include Washington's Birthplace, Ferry Farm, Washington's Headquarters in Winchester, Pohick Church, Christ Church Alexandria, Mount Vernon and Yorktown Battlefield.)
M) Visit, pray and contemplate in three Virginia Churches whose structures date to the Colonial era.
(A Colonial era Church shall be defined as an individual Church whose congregational beginnings and actual structure date prior to July 4th, 1776. A few of our numerous recommendations would be St. Luke’s Church (Isle of Wight County), St. Paul’s Church (Norfolk), Jamestown Church (Jamestown), Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg), Grace Church (Yorktown), St. John’s Church (Richmond), Abingdon Church (Gloucester County), Christ Church (Lancaster County), Aquia Church (Stafford County), Pohick Church (Fairfax County) and Christ Church (Alexandria).
N) Visit a site associated with the life of Robert E. Lee.
(Our recommendations include Stratford Hall, Shirley Plantation, Arlington House, Christ Church Alexandria, any of the Virginia battlefields upon which Lee commanded, Appomattox and the Lee Chapel at Washington & Lee University.)
O) Submit a list of requirements fulfilled (places visited and activities participated in) along with a written account of your experiences including interesting experiences, facts learned and inspiration gained.
Those judged to have successfully completed H-M will be presented with an award document conferring the rank of "Squire" and shall be permitted the Cardinal as an heraldic device.
Yes, requirements met in A-F and H-M may be applied forward toward the requirements of 1-25.
Lord Scott shall award We Make History's honored title of "Knight of the Golden Horseshoe" to all who complete the following.
1) Participate in three We Make History expeditions to Virginia.
2) Visit and explore all five destinations of Virginia's Historic Triangle: Historic Jamestown, Jamestown Settlement, Yorktown Battlefield, Yorktown Victory Center and Colonial Williamsburg. In addition, your visit to Colonial Williamsburg must have included tours of both the Governor’s Palace and Colonial Capitol and participation in at least one evening program.
3) Visit three historic sites primarily associated with 17th Century Virginia.
(Historic Jamestown, Bacon's Castle and St. Luke's Church are highly recommended though there are other possibilities as well.)
4) Visit three historic sites primarily associated with 18th Century Virginia.
5) Visit three historic sites primarily associated with 19th Century Virginia.
6) Visit three sites associated with the life of George Washington.
(Our recommendations include Washington's Birthplace, Ferry Farm, Washington's Headquarters in Winchester, Pohick Church, Christ Church Alexandria, Mount Vernon and Yorktown Battlefield.)
7) Visit three sites associated with the life of Robert E. Lee.
(Our recommendations include Stratford Hall, Shirley Plantation, Arlington House, Christ Church Alexandria, any of the Virginia battlefields upon which Lee commanded, Appomattox and the Lee Chapel at Washington & Lee University.)
8) Visit and take time to seriously pray and contemplate in at least five Virginia Churches whose structures date to the Colonial era. Ponder and thank God for His goodness, sovereignty, mercy and providence in the history of our nation, in the history of His people (The Church) and in your own life.
(A Colonial era Church shall be defined as an individual Church whose congregational beginnings and actual structure date prior to July 4th, 1776. A few of our numerous recommendations would be St. Luke’s Church (Isle of Wight County), St. Paul’s Church (Norfolk), Jamestown Church (Jamestown), Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg), Grace Church (Yorktown), St. John’s Church (Richmond), Abingdon Church (Gloucester County), Christ Church (Lancaster County), Aquia Church (Stafford County), Pohick Church (Fairfax County) and Christ Church (Alexandria).
9) Participate as a We Make History reenactor in three historical reenactment events in Virginia.
10) Attend three historic cultural events in Virginia in period attire.
(At least one of these events must be a We Make History Ball. Historic theatrical, musical or dance events in Colonial Williamsburg are among the other possible options.)
12) Visit three Virginia battlefields.
(Any combination of three battlefields whether of the American Revolution or War Between the States is acceptable.)
13) Tour three historic Virginia homes which date to any point from the 1600s to 1861.
14) While in Virginia, touch or dip your foot into any three of the following: The Atlantic Ocean, Chesapeake Bay, The James River, The York River, The Rappahannock River, The Potomac River, The Shenandoah River.
15) In the footsteps of Governor Spotswood and his Companions, cross the mountains and explore the Shenandoah Valley visiting at least three specific sites of natural, cultural or historic significance.
16) Submit a written report of your adventures in completing 1-15, including examples of what you have learned and how you have been inspired.
Those judged to have completed 1-16 will be presented with an award document conferring the rank of "Knight" as well as a golden horseshoe pin and shall be permitted the horse as an heraldic device.
Gentlemen who have achieved the rank of “Knight of the Golden Horseshoe” shall be entitled to wear one white plume in their hats for each of the following lofty uses of the mint julep: (i) having toasted (or joined in a toast) to George Washington and one’s We Make History companions while at Mount Vernon, (ii) having toasted (or joined in a toast) to Virginia and one’s We Make History companions while at Chowning’s Tavern in Williamsburg, (iii) having toasted (or joined in a toast) to Robert E. Lee and one’s 1st Virginia companions while with the 1st Virginia at a Virginia Battle Reenactment.
For Honours do 1-16 above plus ...
17) Visit any three of The University of Virginia, The College of William & Mary, Washington & Lee University, The Virginia Military Institute.
18) Visit any three of the following in Richmond; The Virginia State Capitol, The White House of the Confederacy, Monument Avenue, Hollywood Cemetery, St. Paul's Church, St. John's Church.
19) Visit any five of the historic James River Plantations.
(There are 33 locations to choose from as recognized by the National Register of Historic Places. They range down both sides of the James from the Richmond and Petersburg areas to near Hampton Roads though the most well known locations (Shirley, Berkeley, Westover) are in Charles City County. We are glad to supply our aspirants a full list upon request.)
Award to be determined.
For Higher Honours do 1-19 above plus ...
20) Visit any three historic sites in Alexandria. Write a report on some aspect of Alexandria's History.
(Christ Church Alexandria may be counted toward #20 even if already counted toward a previous requirement.)
21) Visit any three historic sites in Fredericksburg. Write a report on some aspect of Fredericksburg's History.
22) Visit at least three historic sites in Winchester, one of which must be the Tomb of Lord Fairfax. Write two reports. The first shall be a report on some aspect of Winchester's History. The second shall be on the topic of Lord Fairfax, his influence upon the life of George Washington and the importance of being a blessing and positive influence in the lives of others.
Award to be determined.
For Highest Honours do 1-22 above plus...
23) Make an appointment with a current or former Virginia Congressman, Senator or Governor and inquire as to how they have been inspired by Virginia's history.
24) Perform a 20 minute first-person presentation as an historic Virginia personage.
25) Submit a copy of a journal or report thoroughly outlining your achievements in 1-24, including numerous instances of things learned and inspiration obtained.
Award to be determined.
All ages and both genders are welcome to aspire to Knighthood.
All who aspire to (or who have already obtained) the noble title from We Make History of "Knight of the Golden Horseshoe" whenever hearing the words "Spotswood" or "Spotsylvania" must immediately shout in a cheerful voice "Ol' Spotty!" while simultaneously lifting a hand in imitation of a toast.
It is assumed that a visited destination has been explored, time taken and something learned. Driving by or making a very brief stop don't count.
In the quest to fulfill 1-25 you will notice that certain destinations could be fit into more than one category. For instance if no specific destination can be "counted" more than once other than the following three exceptions. (i) A visit to Historic Jamestown which may be counted toward fulfilling both #2 and #3. In addition, time spent praying and contemplating at Jamestown Church may count toward #8. (ii) A visit to Yorktown Battlefield may be counted toward fulfilling #2 and toward your fulfilling your choice of one of the following - #4, #6 or #12. (iii) A visit to Christ Church Alexandria may be counted toward fulfilling #20 and toward fulfilling your choice of one of the following - #4, #6, #7 or #8.
Bruton Parish Church is considered a separate destination from Colonial Williamsburg even though it is in the midst of Colonial Williamsburg. But to count toward a requirement Bruton Parish Church must be actually "visited" by attending a service or special event or actually "touring" the site.
It is highly encouraged that each keep a journal of his or her destinations, activities and what has been learned along the way, particularly anything learned that is character-building or of inspirational value!
Contact us here.
Lord Scott